Thursday, December 24, 2009

2010: Setting and smashing your goals.

It has been awhile since I posted a blog and alot has happened since then. Power Systems has taken off and is officially a registered training business. On top of that, we would like to welcome Salomon Rodriguez to the Power Systems Powerlifting Team. 2010 is going to be a big year and I am very confident that big things will take place. But how can anyone be so sure?
The most important thing to do when setting goals for the year is to have a game plan. How are you going to reach your goals? what steps do you need to follow in order to achieve your goal?

What i have learned over my many years of training is that training for a goal without a plan leaves you spinning your wheels and the next thing you know, it's October and you are lifting the same weight and have made no progress. I've also learned that you need to be as specific as possible when deciding on your goal. "I want to get in better shape" just doesn't cut it!
My plan for 2010 is total over 1100lbs at a sanctioned powerlifting meet at a bodyweight under 165lbs. In 2009 I totalled 995lbs at a meet and 1050lbs in the gym which is good, but not good enough. My game plan for this year is to take 2 steps back in order to take 10 steps forward! How do I plan on doing that? Well with a game plan of course!! Here is what my game plan is in order to total 1100lbs at a meet in 2010:

1) Fix my squat! I love squatting and am a good squatter...I just need to get better! It is my weakest lift compared to the other 2 lifts and it needs help. My plan is to spend 2 months doing high rep squats. Leave the max attempts for another day and just kill my squat with form and speed. Nothing will get you squatting more than a deadly set of 20 rep squats! Once my confidence under the bar is flawless, we go on to the next step in my game plan...

2) Buy some gear! I think it's time that I invest in a good squat suit. Nothing gets you squatting and deadlifting more than a good suit. Up till now, I haven't lifted in any gear (not even a belt). Our team basically uses Inzer wraps and chalk...thats it! This year, I plan on setting some personal records and winning some meets so if you wanna win, you gotta do what everyone else does. I am deciding between an Inzer Hardcore suit of a Titan Super Centurian. Only time and my budget will tell which one i buy.

3) Get on a program and stick with it! The worst thing an individual can do is spend the entire year jumping from program to program. We are all guilty of this crime and in the end, you end up making minimal gains. Let me you all in on a little secret...there is no perfect program. The perfect program is the one that focuses on your goals and the one that you bust your ass doing! I plan on implementing the basic 3x3 program in order to increase my training volume and clean up my form. I will then follow that up with the Jim Wendler 5-3-1 program leading up to my meets. I will change the program slightly by adding dynamic speed days to continuous focus on moving the bar as fast as possible.

There you have it folks, a simple game plan but highly effective. I know what i need to do in order to achieve my goals and i won't let anything stand in my way. 2010 will be the year of big ass lifts and defeated personal records! Lets do it boys!!

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