Sunday, January 10, 2010

9 things I learned in 2010...the good, the bad and the ugly!

The start of a brand new year. So much hope is in the air. However, the start of a new year would not be valid unless we look at the passing year and reflect. It is so important to learn from our experiences and lessons from 2010 in order to move forward in 2011. 2010 was truly an experience for me. It had super highs and probably the worst lows. However, I'm still standing and am going to use those experiences in my training and life to not only move forward in 2011, but to actually excel! So, what are the top 9 things I learned in 2010? Ask and thou shall receive!

(In no particular order)

1) Stick to a program and don't get clever. The biggest gains I made in 2010 were when i religiously followed a well planned program. Westside protocol yielded HUGE gains as well as my first venture into Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. When i decided to get random and walk into the gym without a plan, i ended up being a weak ass nothing. Don't be a weak as nothing. Get with the program.

2) Make sure to understand the importance of nutrition. Seriously folks! Don't just think you are eating well...KNOW that you are eating well. You'll see your gains skyrocket.

3) Learn to control your stress. Life is difficult enough but if you create more stress for yourself, things will always seem hopeless. Get to the gym, meditate, visit an old whatever you can to bring down your stress levels. if you don't, you might find yourself 15lbs lighter and a whole lot weaker!

4) Think before you act. I can't stress this one enough. Seems simple enough but people (myself included) need to think about their actions before they act. If you don't, you might end up creating alot of problems for yourself and hurt people you care about. Be smart, use your brain.

5) Read and write constantly. I don't care what you're reading or writing. It could be a book, training article, newspaper or even just a letter to your friend. Continuously evolve and improve your knowledge! I probably met as many dumb people and bad spellers in 2010 than i have in my entire life. Please don't be a dumb ass.

Even this guy can at least write...

6) Do what you planned on doing last yea and do it this year ASAP! Too many times we find ourselves comfortable with our place in the world. We go through the movements of each day and never think as to what we are really doing. Next thing you know, it's November and you're left scrambling to not make the entire year a complete waste!

7) Fix your structural problems and don't ignore that nagging pain. This is the time to fix your problems so that you can continue to make goals for the entire year. Don't put off that deep tissue massage or those structural correction exercises for the next day because today may be your body's breaking point and when your body breaks, it kinda sucks.

8) Setting goals and achieving them is what makes us human. Otherwise we are just zombies going through the motions of everyday life. Do you want to be a human or a zombie? If you answered zombie then you are wrong...but pretty bad ass.

9) Last but certainly not least, don't be a miserable, useless douche bag! I encountered so many negative, miserable people in 2010 that if it wasn't for my wonderful friends, I would have given up on humanity. Stop being so horrible and negative and instead, try giving smiling a shot. Smiling will at least not make people avoid you like the plague.

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