Monday, July 27, 2009

Warning: Jim Wender's 5-3-1 Program will make you very strong!

In a quest to make our athletes the strongest they can possibly be, we personally test every new program that we come across. Some are amazing and live up to the hype and some are just downright dangerous! (ie. Simplified Hypertrophy anyone?) The amazing thing is that when we do come across a really great program, it is always based on simple principles and very well structured.

No program has shown more results in terms of pure strength than Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program. This program is famous because it WORKS! Our powerlifting team has personally seen gains of 40-50lbs on our totals in 1 single cycle. To get a good understanding of the 5-3-1 program, i would suggest buying Jim's book or you can get a good overview by following the link below.
However, in order to reap the rewards you have to basically follow 2 rules.
1) Follow and understand the program exactly and don't get fancy by adding your own spin to the program. Either do the program as it is designed or don't do it at all!
2) You must make sure you actually know how to execute the 4 outlined lifts properly.
The 2nd rule is where Power Strength S&C comes into play. I have seen countless individuals attempt the squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead press and absolutley butcher the movement. Squats alone require hours in the gym just learning and practising. There is a very very good chance that you are squatting incorrectly! (9 times out of 10 I'm right!)
Here at Power Systems, we pride ourselves on practising what we preach. No one can teach you how to execute difficult exersizes if they haven't done them themselves and trust us when we tell you...we squat...alot!
Feel free to email us anytime and use the FREE training session we offer to your advantage. We will not only teach you the methodology behind the 5-3-1 program but also plan the entire thing for you. That includes program design, exersize execution, strength testing, and anytime online contact with our strength coaches (if you decide to train on your own and not with us) It's fool proof!..the only thing you have to do is the actual lifting. Sorry, we can't do that for you!

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